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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Adds, Announcements, and an Apology

First, the apology. I haven't been updating the blog with playlists as assiduously as I ought to. Sorry about that.

Now, the announcements.

First of all, Valentine's Day has come and gone, and as of this weekend, Maschinenherz is off the air. But it was fun while it lasted, and most of the songs will find a spot on Technical Difficulties' regular rotation, if they're not there already. My heartfelt gratitude to everyone who tuned in - I love you all. Same time next year...?

Second of all, I took the regular live stream off the air earlier this week for maintenance - that maintenance being using iVolume to adjust the volume on all the mp3s in my library - Every. Single. One. Hopefully, this will result in less variation in volume between songs, and hence, a better listening experience for all y'all.

As for adds, the big one is that I now have in my sweaty little hands a copy of the new Recoiled EP from our friends at Cold Spring Records, featuring some "lost" Coil remixes of Nine Inch Nails songs.  I also recently picked up several volumes of the Muslimgauze Archive Series. Other recent adds of note: I somewhat belatedly grabbed VNV Nation's Transnational, and Crystal Castles' (III), as well as a whole bunch of Ad Noiseam's back catalogue that I was missing. All of these will be trickling into our  regular rotation in the weeks to come - expect them.

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